When Friendships Fail: How chronic pelvic pain affected my friendships

When Friendships Fail: How chronic pelvic pain affected my friendships

I know that the way I’ve changed has been hard for some of my friends. Not everyone who befriended my overachieving, high-charging self in our twenties had bargained for a kale-growing, vaginal-health-preaching, yogi friend in our thirties. I get it. I changed a lot, and so have my friends.

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Back from the Brink: The identity crisis of a patient-turned-healthy woman

Back from the Brink: The identity crisis of a patient-turned-healthy woman

“Being sick is your entire identity right now – by necessity.  You go to the doctor, to physical therapy, to Walgreens.  You spend your ‘free time’ doing your physical therapy exercises or intentionally trying to relax.  The people in your life relate to you as a sick person – the way they interact with you is reflective of their awareness of your disability.  When you no longer have that disability, it will change the way people see and treat you. It will change how you spend your time.  It’ll change the entire focus of your day and life.”

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My path to finding my calling: winding past pain, law, the FBI & a higher power's plans

My path to finding my calling: winding past pain, law, the FBI & a higher power's plans

I’ve connected with many women around Chicago, holding hands across the table with them at Starbucks while we shed tears of sheer gratitude for the unique empathy and understanding we can offer to each other.  I’ve giggled with them through mascara-stained cheeks as we wonder what nearby customers think of all this emotional vulva talk.

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